2 Week Self Care Challenge
We are almost through the first quarter of 2020! Can you believe it? I know I can’t! And I am very guilty of not doing self care as much as I should! And this last month has been particularly rough! So I am here to challenge you and myself! So lets get started on a 2 week self care challenge! Even if you can’t do the full 2 weeks, maybe some of these self care ideas will resonate with you and you can add them to your routine!
Let’s Get Started!
How often do you do self care? If you are anything like me, not nearly often enough. I always put other people, events, chores, etc before myself. Sound familiar? So lets get started on how we can do some self care and treat ourselves right for the next 2 weeks!
For each day I will give several suggestions for the amount of time you may have to spend on self care! So no excuses, we got this!

Day 1
- Meditate! Even just 10 minutes can make a world of difference.
- Paint your nails with a fun color, or better yet, go get a manicure!
- Take a cat nap. You only need 10-20 minutes to feel refreshed!
Day 2
- Write 10 things you are grateful for!
- Do deep breathing exercises for 5-10 minutes!
- Take a detox bath! With bubbles and a glass of wine would make it even better! Make your own bath bombs to make it more special!

Day 3
- Take some time to read! No matter what type of book, it will help you “escape”!
- Light your favorite candle, and enjoy a little down time.
- Get a hair blowout! Have a little extra time? Go somewhere and get a wash and style!
Day 4
- Go for a walk! Even a short walk in the sun and fresh air can get all your good endorphins going!
- Unplug! From the internet and social media! Social media can be draining! Dextox for a day! Or more!
- Recite a positive affirmation 3 times! It takes 3 positive thoughts to counteract every negative thought!

Day 5
- Cook your favorite meal. Better yet, go out to dinner!
- Put on an outfit that makes you feel fantastic!
- Do something nice for someone, a random act of kindness
Day 6
- Do a facial mask, check out this berry scrub! It is amazing!
- Go to bed early!
- Buy yourself flowers, take a look at my post on how to create beautiful flower arrangements with grocery store flowers!

Day 7
- Go to lunch, by yourself. Sometimes spending time alone is refreshing!
- If you don’t want to be alone, ask a friend to coffee!
- Soak your feet! Then paint your toes with fun nail polish colors!
Day 8
- Watch a funny movie
- Do something that makes you laugh
- Color! Amazon has a fabulous selection of “adult” coloring books. Get your creative on!

Day 9
- Listen to your favorite playlist!
- Wear your pajamas ALL DAY! Now that sounds like fun!
- Try something new.
Day 10
- Say “no”. Learn to say no when needed. Sometimes we need to say “no” to better take care of ourselves.
- Drink herbal tea and eat a special treat!
- Compliment a stranger! I do this everyday! Not only does it make you feel good, but you will make someone else feel good too!

Day 11
- Write yourself a love letter! Save it so you can read it anytime you need a boost!
- Get a massage! Who doesn’t love a spa day?
- Buy a new moisturizer and do a full body moisturizing session!
Day 12
- Do an oil treatment on your hair! Take a look at this amazing oil as it has so many uses!
- Go to the gym! Start a new workout routine!
- Start a new healthy habit!

Day 13
- Read your favorite Bible versus! Or find a new one!
- Do a series of stretches for 10-15 minutes. Get the knots out of your muscles.
- Garden. I love to garden and even have numerous indoor plants I love to take care of. Take a look at a Tower Garden for year round freshness!
Day 14
- Buy yourself something nice. Shopping is always a spirit lifter in my book.
- Tell someone you love how much they mean to you.
- Sit out side and get some sun. Soaking up vitamin D is always a self care option.

I hope you take this 2 week Self Care Challenge! For us to be the best we can be, we need to take care of ourselves FIRST! Then we can better take care of everyone else! Work some self care into your routine each week and be the best person you can be by taking some “me” time!
Here is another self care post with even more great suggestions on how to take care of YOU!
*This post may contain affiliate links! That means; I may get a commission at no additional cost to you! I do not recommend any products/services that I don’t use and love myself!
This is such a great self care challenge! I need to try this for sure!!
cute & little
I’m glad you love it! We all need to be reminded to take care of ourselves!
Thank you for the reminder…we all need and deserve to focus on better self care. Reading through your list instantly gave me all the feels! Going to share with all my mommy friends now 🙂
Glad you loved the post! And we mommas definitely need to stick together and remind each other of the importance of taking care of ourselves! Thank you for sharing! =)