30 Day Kindness Challenge
This year was off to a great start and then Covid hit. Then all the political nonsense started. Then the riots! Have you ever felt like just pulling the blankets over your head and staying in bed until 2020 is OVER? I know I have! But I will not let 2020 beat me! I am determined not to let it get me down! So I want you to do some self care and challenge you to be kind. Being kind is not that difficult and I think we can all agree that a little kindness will go a long way, especially now! So let’s talk about how we can change our outlook and that of others with a 30 Day Kindness Challenge!
How it Works
Every day for the next 30 days, I want you to do something nice for someone else. And I am going to up the ante! Do something nice for someone you KNOW AND A STRANGER! Furthermore, I have lots of suggestions below in case you need some assistance, however, this is so easy to do! You don’t even need to spend any money!
How Does the 30 Day Kindness Challenge Benefit Me?
Although everything shouldn’t be about ourselves, I am going to give you some examples of how this can benefit you!
- Oct 15, 2020 I will be scrolling through my comments on this post and picking a winner! For a $25 Visa gift card. Is that enough motivation for you? All you have to do is comment on this post with an act of kindness suggestion or a kind gesture someone did for you! The most compelling commenter will win!!
- When you do something nice for someone else, your whole mind set starts to change. So every day you do something kind, the better your outlook on life. It’s a win-win!
- Are you as kind as you think you are? Probably not, especially when we all have our own worries and circumstances that we are dealing with! But by making a conscious effort, everyday, we can change that for the better!
- Knowing you might have been the sunshine in someone else’s cloudy day will make your heart soar. I know it makes mine! And always keep in mind, we have no idea what someone else is going through!
Self Care
For me, doing something for someone else is always an act of self care. Even though most things I do are anonymous or I don’t share on social media. Although I am having you comment on this post for a prize, I truly believe that all acts of kindness that are done anonymously (or without needing recognition afterwards) are done with true intent. When you do something nice for someone then plaster it all over social media, you are just looking for attention. So while I would LOVE for this post to go viral, please don’t post everyday about what you did. That takes away from the joy you gave someone else. Don’t be one of those “people”. Do it because it is the right thing to do.
Examples of Acts of Kindness!
Here is a list of examples of what you can do that either costs NOTHING or a little! But kindness can fit everyone’s budget!
- Send a thank you note to someone. It can be a family member or friend! Maybe even an old teacher!
- Give a shout out to a small business or restaurant in your area.
- Compliment a stranger. Seriously, I see someone and I like their hair, scarf or whatever, I am sure to tell them! Their smile will stay with you all day long!
- Bake cookies for a neighbor.
- Help a neighbor with yard work.
- Drop an email or text to a sibling with a funny memory! Or better yet, tell them you love them.
- Pay for someone’s coffee. Or give them a $5 gift card, that way you aren’t breaking the bank if they have a BIG order!
- Hold the door for someone, and tell them to have a great day.
- See a policeman, fireman or someone in uniform and tell them THANK YOU for your SERVICE.
- Better yet, if you see a policeman, fireman or someone in uniform having a meal, pay for it!
- Bring your significant other a single rose. Like I said, it doesn’t need to be expensive. It truly is the thought that counts!
- Leave $1 taped to a vending machine.
- Make a care package for a soldier or write them a letter.
- Put a post it note on someone’s car that says have a great day!
- Donate to a charity. $5 can go a long way, especially for food banks. Check out your local area charities for more info!
- Buy a dozen or two donuts and drop them at the local fire station or police station. Better yet, bake something!
- Smile at everyone you see and tell them to have a fabulous day!
- Volunteer somewhere!
- Call someone you haven’t talk to in a while.
- Offer to help a friend.

In Conclusion, doing self care sometimes means doing something for someone else. In fact, for me, doing something for someone else is the best kind of self care. And when you do that, you may change someone else’s perspective for the day. Lastly, please join me in the 30 Day Kindness Challenge and lets start changing the world! One act of kindness at a time!

Some great articles on how to spread the love and kindness:
How to Turn Random Acts of Kindness into a Lifestyle
Fun Places to LEave Random Act of Kindness Gifts
What a super fun and uplifting challenge! All of these are such wonderful and sweet ideas for acts of kindness!
Rose Ann Sales
Great ideas and seems uplifting.
I will definitely try these all.
brandy toenges
I love this challenge. I recently felt I needed to send a letter to a friend who moved away letting her know the major positive impact she had on my life. I explained in detail some of the wonderful things she had said that touched my soul and changed me. I shared how her faithfulness challenged me to be faithful and true to my self, family, and God. I hope it touched her as deeply as it touched me to write it!
That is wonderful! And I am sure it did!
Marie Phillips
I love how you say that doing these types of things is a great form of self care!!! It truly is! While I have done several of these things, I will be posting this as inspiration for our family to work on in the next couple of weeks.
I love it!!
Emily Fata
I think everyone should be taking a 30-day kindness challenge! We can all strive to be better people, at the end of the day.
Gervin Khan
This is the most beautiful challenge I’ve seen so far. Very creative and you’ll not only benefit yourself but you’re also having fun! Nice!
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much I really appreciate the kudos!
This is such a great challenge! Thanks for sharing!
I hope you participate!!!
Wow this is truly a great challenge! We all need a little kindness spread around in our lives!
Spread kindness like it is confetti!
I love the pay someone coffee a stranger. I am going to do it one day.
That is one of my favorite things to do!
Nice post. The world definitely need more kindness.
Yes it does!
Ask someone how they are doing, or if there is anything you can do for them 😊
Simple but very effective!
World in Eyes
oh wow these ideas sounds so damn interesting and amazing ones…glad you shared them with us too…great work though..
Thank you! That means a lot!!
These are amazing tips ! I can’t wait to incorporate some of these into my daily life.
I hope you do!!!!