Girl Stop Apologizing, An Honest Review
First, hear me out! I love Rachel Hollis. She is funny, motivated and seems like a genuinely nice person. And I finished this book quite awhile ago, but it took me a while to do the review. You will understand why, as we go along! So if you are looking for an honest, down to earth review of Girl Stop Apologizing, you came to the right place!
Part I
Excuse 3: I Don’t Have Time
I love how Rachel has the chapters set up in this book. In Part I (all about excuses) there are Excuse 1, Excuse 2, etc . Excuse 3: I Don’t Have Time, is where I found my first tidbit of information. It is true, I have heard it a million times. However, people say they don’t have time to chase their dreams. ARE. YOU. FREAKING. KIDDING. ME?? People make time to watch their favorite TV show, go out with the girls or watch a movie. And Rachel spells it out perfectly: “you aren’t going to FIND time to to pursue your goals; you’re going to MAKE time to pursue your goals.” It is called having priorities! If you want to be successful and obtain your goals, then you need to start prioritizing what you do, where you want to be and how you plan on getting there. That is what I have done, that is what some of my friends have done and you can do it too! There is plenty of time to do all the “fun” stuff when you have reached your goals!
Another excellent point in this chapter was “stop waiting for someday; someday is a myth. Don’t wait to have time; start planning to make the time!”
And this is food for thought: I made the excuse myself for years. I finally stopped making that excuse when my kids went to college. I should have started sooner and I would already be where I am currently going! But better late than never, right? =)
Excuse 7: It’s Been Done Before
This is a chapter that I got a lot from. I have the unfortunate habit of comparing myself to others. And never in a good way! I will look at another person’s blog and think; she is so successful & talented, I will never get to be that successful! Keep in mind, my blog is still an infant and “her blog” has been around for many years. What I should be saying is, “if she can do this then so can I! It has been done before and I CAN DO IT too!”
Always take the road of positivity and light! I know it is hard, I work on my positive mindset, EVERY SINGLE DAY. And there are days I struggle. But in the end yes, it may have been done before. But it has never been done by you. And that right there, is a game changer! So you can either keep talking yourself out of the thing you are hoping for or you can decide that your dream is more powerful than your excuse. Right from the mouth of Rachel Hollis!
Part II
Behavior 7: Learn to Say NO
Part II is all about changing our behavior. Our behaviors are our habits. The way we act day in and day out. What is important for us to understand is that they are a choice. And there are times when we need to dig deep and change those behaviors for the betterment of our life. And chapter 7 nailed it for me; I NEVER used to say NO. Rachel gives great and practical advice on how best to teach yourself how to say NO!
- Respond ASAP to a request
- Be polite, but honest
- Be firm
She goes into a good deal of detail in the book, but these were her three best suggestions. And they work!
Part III
Skill 2: Confidence
Part III is about the skills we need to acquire, and don’t mistake this for talents. Having talent is completely different than acquiring skills. Skills are learned abilities. And sometimes we need to LEARN how to ACT confident until we ARE confident! Because confidence does matter. This is another area in which I am on the proverbial “struggle bus”! I project confidence very well outwardly, but on the inside I am a hot, wet mess.
Building up my self confidence is a necessity if I continue down this path that I love! Rachel had several great suggestions on how to build self confidence. But I love when she stated “confidence comes from YOU liking the way you look, not from you looking a certain way.” Just like Rachel, I LOVE big hair, eyelashes and shoes. So I will always have my hair done and at least mascara on before walking out the door. Because that is what helps me feel confident!
Skill 5: Positivity
OMG! If you have a “Debbie downer” or negative attitude, you will NEVER get anywhere. Seriously, you have to change your mindset to get to where you want to be. And living in negativity sin’t fun, so why do it? I have mentioned before that this is something I work on EVER SINGLE DAY. Even if something “bad” happens, I look at the situation and if nothing else, try to learn from it. Last year my husband hurt himself and was on disability for SIX months. Rather than worry about the fact that my son and I had to run the family business without our fearless leader, I thought about how Cody and I will rock it and learn the daily in and outs of how the business works. It also forced me to give up doing the “books” which I discovered I hated doing! Now that Shane has been back for a year, I still have all that hired out because I HATED doing it. But I would have never stopped doing it had his injury not happened!
Another great quote from the book is “you cannot control the circumstances of your life; you can only control your reaction to them.” So be sure to stay positive and always look at the bright side. Because whether you realize it or not, there is always a bright side!
I said I would be completely honest in my review, and I am when I say I enjoyed the book. However, if you already Girl, Wash Your Face; you will find a lot of repeat information. Rachel just states it in a different way. And even though I felt many things were repeated from Girl, Wash Your Face I did enjoy and get a lot out of this book too. That is the reason it took me so long to write a review. I was stumbling on how to rate the book. But while writing my review and as I went through all my notes, I realized I did very much enjoy it! And sometimes it just takes having something said in a different way for it finally to get through! So tell me what you think if you have already read Girl Stop Apologizing! I would love to get your feedback!
Want your copy of Girl Stop Apologizing? Order HERE through Amazon!
Here some other book suggestions too, click on the titles to see my reviews of each!!
Looking for more book reviews? Look at Babbling with Brooke’s website for a great selection of book reviews for the fiction and romance reader!
I had a lot of similar thoughts as you when I read this one back a few months ago. There were some new ideas, but a lot of it I’d heard before.
Glad it wasn’t just me!!!!
I haven’t read either of these but know I need to – the “Confidence” part hit me hard reading your review – I have had such a hard time in the past year with confidence and it’s frustrating. Thanks for the review:)
Black Coffee Beautiful
I think everyone has confidence issues in one way or another! We all just learn to deal with it differently!!