Vision Board Tips and Tricks!
Y’all it is 2020 and I am soooooo excited! I had a really GOOD 2019. But there were lots of changes with my family and I had my own personal struggles. But overall I am so grateful for all the changes (they made me stronger) and my personal struggles don’t grab a hold of me nearly as much as they used to and I was able to remove THREE items from my vision board! Updating my vision/dream board is something I do at least twice a year. And I want to help you, create a vision board that will keep you focused on your goals all year long!
What is a Vision Board?
Vision boards are essentially inspirational collages. They help you visualize your dreams, goals and best life. The images and words/phrases you put on your dream board will assist in triggering the Law of Attraction if you remember to look at them daily and visualize them as already happening!
I have been creating dream boards regularly for over four years. And anytime I can take a picture off my dream board of something I have accomplished, it is such wonderful feeling! The car I wanted (a Cadillac SUV) I purchased in February 2019. I was give my daughter and myself to a trip to Paris! AND my dream of being a full time blogger, is well on its way to coming true! there were several milestones I accomplished towards that goal in 2019!
When I take a picture off my dream board as “complete” I write the date it was accomplished and put it in a file. You can also leave your accomplishments on your board as a reminder of how powerful the law of attraction and visualization can be!
Incorporating a visualization practice into your daily routine will help in keeping you motivated in accomplishing your goals!
How to Get Started
When I decided to create a vision board I bought a beautiful French Push Pin board. I had it covered in a custom cloth pattern with coordinating ribbon. However, you can use a cork board (large or small) poster board or a journal! I had room in my office and wanted something to the match the decor. It is the obsessive compulsive disorder in me! And with as much as I “tweak” and update my board, I needed something I could easily change out pictures and words/phrases!
If you are more of a “techie” person, there are apps to create vision boards on your phone too. I like the feel of doing it and seeing it in my office, however, there are great options for everyone!
Let’s start by brainstorming about goals you would like to achieve. Spend time and get specific on your goals and dreams. And dream so big it scares you a little bit! No dream is too big! Always reach for the stars!
Find Pictures and Images
Once you have a solid idea of what you want to accomplish and what YOUR IDEAL life looks like, start looking for pictures, phrases or words that closely resemble what you want. I cut beautiful pictures from magazines and print images off the internet (Pinterest is an amazing resource!) that most resemble my ideal life, goals and dreams!
Then you can start assembling your pictures into a collage. You want your collage to inspire and motivate you! And more is better in my opinion!

Affirmation Words or Phrases
Once you have your picture collage together, add powerful words or phrases! Anything that would be a positive influence. They should represent how you “feel” when you think of your ideal life. I have several wealth affirmations and reminders to be grateful for what I have. For a long time I never appreciated what was right in front of me. I always thought the grass was greener on the other side. Once I started incorporating gratitude into my daily visualization practices and journaling, things started to change rapidly! Staying positive and being grateful are powerful when unlocking the Law of Attraction!

Your Completed Vision Board
Now that you have completed your vision board, you are probably wondering how to use this powerful tool. Personally, I keep mine in my office. I am in there daily and it reminds me (even on bad days) what I need to focus on and all the good that has happened in my life. And continues to happen, even when I can’t always focus on it!
Jack Canfield has been a HUGE inspiration to me and he is who I have followed and learned from when creating a vision board. And in learning about the Law of Attraction. He suggests to affirm every morning and evening. With the evening being most important because the last 45 minutes before you go to sleep are the images and thoughts that repeat themselves over and over as you sleep.
Above is a picture of my vision board! I look at it and get inspired every single day!
Final Thoughts and Suggestions
Here are some final thoughts and suggestions on how to get the most of your vision board! I am sharing these with you from a Jack Canfield book that helped me focus in on creating the vision board of my dream life!
- Look at your vision/dream board daily and get inspiration from it!
- Read daily affirmations and inspirational words aloud.
- Feel yourself as already living your dream life.
- Believe it is already yours.
- Acknowledge the presence of God or a higher power is in play in your life.
- Be grateful for what you already have.
- Acknowledge goals you have already accomplished.
- Look at your dream board every morning and evening. Keep reminding yourself of what you are working towards.
- Acknowledge the Law of Attraction working in your life.
I hope you get as much from your vision board as I do! The inspiration and joy I get when I look at it each day helps me stay focused and motivated to continue on my journey to my dream life!
I incorporated Jack Canfield’s Law of Attraction system into my vision board. It goes even more in depth as how to “activate” the Law of Attraction! The set even includes positive affirmations, words and quotes you can use! CLICK HERE to purchase from Amazon!
Check out my book reviews and you will find several of Jack Canfield’s books, they are amazing! I also reviewed You are a Badass books! Check out their review HERE!
More importantly, thank you for spending your time here at Colorado Kelly! I love having you here and appreciate everyone that comes to visit and look forward to having you come back soon!
*This post may contain affiliate links! That means; I may get a commission at no additional cost to you! I do not recommend any products/services that I don’t use and love myself!
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I used to make vision boards all the time! I think the important thing is to always give yourself time and space to reflect each month or every couple weeks to see if you’re really taking action steps toward the direction of your vision!
I agree completely!!!
Gina Abernathy/
I love this! I have always wanted to make a vision board. This just gave me the push I needed.
I am so glad!!!! Have fun with it!!!
Do you have any video of that? I’d want to find out more
Unfortunately, I don’t do a lot of videos!
Renata Feyen
I have never made a vision board myself, but I have seen quite a few of them, so I guess I could make one if I wanted
I have had one for years and I update it each January! I am always surprised by how many things I can take off because they happened or my focus changed to something better!
Elise Ho
My daughter and I made vision boards together. This was on New Years Eve and was a very fun project together.
My daughter and I both have vision boards too!
I have never made a vision board before, but it would be neat to make one. It is nice to visualize the things we want in life.
I feel silly to admit I had not heard of a vision board – but it sounds like a great way for me to keep track of my hopes and progress. Thanks for the info on how to start one.
Amen! It is a great way to visualize what your goals are!
knycx journeying
A vision board is a great tool for planning a project and it’s that time of the year where we start making plans. This is timely and thanks a lot for sharing your ideas!
You’re welcome!
Monidipa Dutta
I thoroughly enjoyed your DIY Vision Board Tips and Tricks post. The simplicity of your language made it easy to follow, and your insights were valuable. Your practical approach is commendable. Looking forward to more insightful content.
Thank you for the sweet compliment!