DIY Closet Make Over!
Y’all I am so excited for my DIY closet make-over! This has been a couple weeks in the making! My closet is not big, however, I make sure it holds a lot of crap. I am a shoe and clothes horse. So I decided to dress up my small closet and organize it better than what I currently have. Because a girl needs to be organized to look fabulous. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! So let’s get started!
Step 1:
Clean out all the shoes and clothes you don’t wear!! Unfortunately, I had more out dated, faded, ugly clothes that I care to admit and could not figure out why I had kept them for so long! Seriously, what was I thinking?? It felt good to fill up those trash bags and donate them! I had a friend ask me while I was working on this project “does it spark joy”. I had no idea what she meant! Then she told me about Marie Kondo! Apparently, after some investigation, Marie Kondo’s The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up: the Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing is a best-selling book! And I will be honest, I did not read it prior to this closet overhaul, however, I did just order it via Amazon!!! And I can’t wait to read it!!!
Step 2:
Organize what you have. All shirts together in an order that makes sense to you! For the most part, mine are lightest to darkest. But I have some that are all sleeveless clumped together too! Hang all your pants or jeans on hangers and have them all going in the same direction. Color coordinate if you desire! My dresses are all hung in the same area too! Whatever seasonal or special occasion clothing you wear has to be stored or stowed where it can stay nice until the next time you need it! I store all my “regular” off season clothes in storage boxes with sachets in the basement!
Extra Tip: Special OCCASION Clothing!
My special occasion clothing, or clothes that I don’t feel comfortable storing all gets special treatment in my closet! I use black garment bags to store my long gowns and coats that I don’t want to get dusty or faded! It also prevents the longer gowns from dragging on the floor and keeps everything from getting dusty when not in use! Any blazers I have that need to wait until next season, get clear plastic shoulder protectors. So dust doesn’t accumulate while not in use!
Step 3:
I went a little further in my closet overhaul as I also changed out my light fixture, light switch plate and heating vent cover. Take a look at my before and afters! Now this isn’t necessary, but it sure was fun! And all three items were less than $100. And it really made a difference in the look and feel of my closet! Not to mention my lighting is so much brighter!

Step 4:
Now we get to put everything back! In and organized fashion. I started “rolling” my t-shirts yoga pants and even my work jeans to create more space! My shoes were moved from the bottom of the closet to the top shelf! Fortunately, I already had the shoe cubby holes so it was just a matter of changing the shape of them so they fit on my top shelf! And yes, even though I am 5’8″ I need a little step stool in my closet to get items from the top cubby! But that’s OK if everything is well organized! And so far so good!!! So far this DIY closet make over is going well!!!
Step 5:
Finish up any small details! If you have tall boots, you need boot shaper stands! I have several pairs of tall leather boots that I wear with jeans and to keep them nice, I bought stands so they stay upright and neat! In addition, I needed a place for my scarves and intimate apparel. But with no drawers in the closet, I bought a cute rolling drawer unit! The top two drawers are for my scarves and the bottom three are for my under garments! I was also able to move some of my perfumes and costume jewelry onto the top wood shelf! It was a win win! Below is my before and after video! You can see the transformation!

Extra Tip: ORGANIZING your drawers!
I was so excited at how my DIY closet make over went, I decided to re-organize my pajama drawer too! Now this isn’t a major re-do, but I did have a lot of fun going through and getting everything organized! Here is a great little video on what I did and how I did it!

In Conclusion
This was such a fun and easy project! For less than $225 I changed my closet from something that was ho-hum to amazing! And I cannot even begin to tell you how thrilled I am! We have been in this house for almost 14 years and this is something I should have done a long time ago! But I guess better late than never!
Products I love!
Looking for a great rolling drawer set, that is easy to assemble? The set I got from Amazon was great, inexpensive and good quality!
Boot stands are so important for those great tall boots we ladies like to wear! I purchased a set of 5 for only $12.78 via Amazon! And they worked great!
Black garment bags are so important (in my opinion!) when organizing items in your closet. I have had beautiful clothing get ruined due to sun light and dust! Better to be safe and keep everything neatly organized, than not! Purchase via Amazon HERE, 5 pack for $16.49!
The drawer dividers I used are sturdy, easy to use and come in a pack of 4! Purchase HERE!
12 pack of lavender sachets! Another great deal from Amazon!
Need clear shoulder covers for seasonal clothing? A set of 16 for only $13.99! Via Amazon of course!
More importantly, thank you for spending your time here at Colorado Kelly! I love having you here and appreciate everyone that comes to visit and look forward to having you come back soon!
*This post may contain affiliate links! That means; I may get a commission at no additional cost to you! I do not recommend any products/services that I don’t use and love myself!
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Carla Natali
Ohhh, I love your new light fixture and your heat vent cover, so stylish!
I clean up my closet every now and then, the real problem is that after a week is back to mayhem again!
Yeah, mine may end up that way too! But I am keeping the faith! =)
It’s amazing how much the little details can spruce up a room! Love your ideas!
Thank you!!!
Love your closet! It looks so neat and organized. I really need to tackle this project in my own room…I just need to find the time!
Jalisa Harris
I love the new light fixtures. Something to keep the closet from looking dull
Fun! I like that you switched out the light fixtures, etc. as well. I’ve been rolling my t-shirts as well!
Oh wow, such a great makever. I wish I was creatively inclined to do all these myself. Great job
Thank you!!!
Brittany Limberakis
I need to do this!! Our closet is so packed right now there is not room for everything. I will definitely be looking at implementing some of these tips!
Mine was looking pretty bad too!!!! My hubby couldn’t believe I actually posted pics of it! =)