Visiting Epcot and all its Restrictions
I had a difficult time deciding if I wanted to write about my recent trip to Florida and to Epcot. Not because the trip itself was bad, I had a wonderful time with my sister and brother in-law! This trip definitely made me realize how much I miss seeing my family. And from this point on, no one is going to tell me that living in fear is better than living life. But I am here to give you the facts on my experience and what you need to know. So lets dig deep and discuss the truth about visiting Epcot and all its restrictions!
**Please note that we purchased a one day pass and did not stay on a Disney Property so it may be a different experience if staying at a Disney property.

Park Hours
Park hours have been reduced. While I was there, February 2021, the hours were from 11-8 p.m. Had all the activities and shows been open this would definitely not have been enough time to enjoy and see all the attractions.
Additionally, we purchased the hopper pass to do an additional park on the same day. Unfortunately, there was nowhere on the website that told use we could not use it until after 2 p.m. Which is much different than how things used to be. On the plus side, we were able to get a refund of the hopper pass as we wanted to visit Animal Kingdom prior to Epcot. Be sure to call prior to purchasing a hopper pass, and make sure it fits with what you want to do. We only had one day at the park, so we made the best of Epcot.

Safety First
While at the park you must wear a mask at all times. It is suggested that you wear a two layer mask, but it was not required. The only exception to wearing a mask was if you were eating. And you had to stay stationary while doing so. They also wanted everyone to stay 6 feet apart. However, the attractions that had wait times had no social distancing that I saw. The average wait time for a ride was less than 10 minutes. Only a couple had a 30-40 minute wait. But remember, many of the attractions/rides were not open.
If I am being completely honest, the mask mandate was over the top. It had to be worn even walking in from the parking lot and out of the park. I am not suggesting not to be safe however, when outside, in the sun there could be a little leniency….but that is a personal opinion from an extremely healthy individual.
Be forewarned that on humid or hot days, you will be sweating. Excessively. At least I was. Dang, it was 85 degrees and humid and the mask made breathing difficult. On second thought, it could just be me and my awesome menopausal hot flashes! LOL

Open Attractions
This was the most disappointing part of the visit. Of the 11 countries I would say about half were fully open. Many of the restaurants were closed. In fact, most of them were closed and the ones that were open, guests staying on property had first dibs on reservations. Which I completely understand. However, it would have been nice to know that in advance. When we asked why so many of the restaurants were closed, we were told it was because the kitchens were being renovated. Not sure if that was true or not, but we managed and had a delightful lunch in France!
There are no longer fast pass lines either. This is when you could schedule a ride in advance and skip the line! Due to the pandemic they decided they could not accommodate the fast pass line and keep social distancing requirements in tact. Which I understand after seeing how they were originally set up.
They are currently not having the nightly fireworks display either. There were only two musical groups performing at the time we were there. And many of the shows were not available for viewing.
Furthermore, you can no longer take pictures with the Disney characters. They are protected by barriers to keep everyone safe.
And I am not being critical of the safety measures, far from it. But when Disney is not cleaning the seats and rides in between guests, it seems extremely hypocritical to yell at people when they are LEAVING the park without their mask firmly planted on their face. Strictly an observation of hypocrisy…..
I absolutely love Disney World and Epcot has always been my favorite park. And I understand we are in this new world of trying to keep people safe. But I have to be completely honest when I say there is no value in spending a day at the park when you are paying $140 for a day pass. Had I brought my family, it would have been an extreme waste of money.
I have been to Disney World numerous times over the years. We have stayed on property and off property. And what used to be a magical experience, currently is not. The flowers on the grounds are still glorious! In fact, they made me yearn for spring, however, that is not why you go to Epcot. You go to tour the different countries. Taste the cuisine and watch the shows. And the fireworks display was always spectacular! So if you have never been, you will not know what it “used” to be like. But if you have been before, then you will absolutely know what you are missing!
Overall, I don’t feel it was worth the money for the day. However, if this is a first time visit, you will still have a magical experience. Visiting Epcot and all its Restrictions just didn’t seem the same for those of us who have experienced it prior to the pandemic.

Side note: Disney Springs
If you don’t know what Disney Springs is, you really need to find out! It is a shopping extravaganza. With all things Disney plus lots of high end stores to shop, you will find everything you need and more. There is also a huge selection of restaurants. THAT WERE ALL OPEN! You have to have your temperature checked and wear a mask while on property but it is a lovely way to spend an afternoon or evening. There is no fee to get in, you just need to go through a security screening. Definitely worth going!
If you want to learn more about another great place to visit, check out my review of Charleston, South Carolina! Or Aspen, CO!
More importantly, thank you for spending your time here at Colorado Kelly! I love having you here and appreciate everyone that comes to visit and look forward to having you come back soon!
Jessica Collazo
I’m so desperate to go to Disney. But I understand the safety requirements because of the pandemic affects everyone. Covid is not over yet and we have to take care of ourselves. Disney is taking care of their employees and their customers. But he’s very disappointing when you can’t enjoy the parks like we are used to enjoy them.
We all need to do what works best our families! And I completely understand Disney’s point of view.
GiGi Eats
I have been super curious as to what the protocols are for amusement parks these days!
I know Florida is “open” but I am not sure if Disney World was given different parameters or if they decided to create their own safety rules. They have a lot of employees, so I definitely get it!
Epcot is my favourite park, I haven’t been to Disney in so long! I miss it so much. thanks for sharing.
Mine too! I love Epcot!!
Laura Allen
I’m glad you threw your opinion in here – thats what’s most important! It definitely is disappointing when some of your favorite places can’t open and resemble their “normalcy” I hope things can return to normal soon!
I tried to be objective as possible!
I really miss going to Disneyland/DisneyWorld as I grew up going mainly to Disneyland but have also been to DisneyWorld. I totally can see it not being fully worth the money right now, as a lot of things aren’t open due to COVID.
I understand everyone is trying to work through this, but I did feel “too much” was closed for the price of the ticket. But we still made the best of it! The people was with made it worthwhile! 😉
I really enjoyed my visit to epcot a number of years ago. I think Disney is doing the best they can to keep guests safe.
That is all they can do!
Krysten Quiles
Unfortunately I think this is what we need to get used to. Covid is a very real thing, and we all need to do our part to stop the spread and keep each other safe.
Cruising is my big thing, and I’m not fooling myself into believing it will be “normal” when we can final cruise again. However, I’m willing to do what I need to in order to enjoy my favorite way to vacation. Even if it means rocking a bedazzled mask on formal night.
We just booked a cruise to Alaska, for 2022. And I am willing to do what needs to be done to travel again, especially overseas!
That’s interesting to hear all the things Disney is doing. I feel like condensing the hours is just going to make more people cleft framed in then allowing people to distance better. I loved Disney going as a kid but I’m glad I’m not going now! Definitely wouldn’t be the same.
No it was not!
Kelsey Harmony
That’s so sad that they don’t do FastPass anymore but it makes sense…I’m glad you could still go!
Yes, and I understand why they don’t too. Everyone is covering their butts!
Jennifer Passmore
I really can’t wait until things begin to slow down and open up again!
You and me both!!!!
Thank you for sharing! I’ve been seeing a lot of people go to Disney lately. I thought now might be a good time to go with fewer people, which means shorter wait times, but with a lot of things still closed, I think I rather wait. So glad to read what it’s like!
I would definitely wait!!!
I love Disney, and Epcot is my favorite park! But I really don’t want to go while all of these restrictions are in place. I would rather have my memories of all the really fun times, and not associate it with all this.
Amen sister!
Kathy Kenny Ngo
Love that this was such an honest review. I think situations like this are also a better reason to stay home for now until everything just blows over. Entertainment and theme parks are severely affected but they will bounce back. I’m sure of that.
I certainly hope they do!!!!
Marjie Mare
Although I live one hour away, I can’t wait to go back to Epcot.
I loved all the flowers and weather while we were there! Colorado doesn’t have 85 degree weather this early!