Tricks to Having a Healthy Scalp!
I found this article from Monat Global and had to share! Sometimes we have “blips” in the road with our hair. Here are some fabulous suggestions on how to keep your scalp healthy and hair beautiful, 100% of the time! Feel free to enjoy and share with anyone you think may find this useful! Here are some of the best Tricks To Having A Healthy Scalp! Additionally, the link to the original article can be found below!

Weekly Moments of Clarity.
A shampoo a day keeps split ends away.
Conditioned for Success.
Get into Pre-Shampooing.
More Information!
Feel free to reach out to me HERE, if you have quesitons or would like additional information!
*This post may contain affiliate links! That means; I may get a commission at no additional cost to you! I do not recommend any products/services that I don’t use and love myself!
**More importantly, all information was obtain from Monat Global.
Link to original article from Monat Global can be found HERE!
Jaclyn Musselman
These are great tips especially in the winter time! My scalp gets SO DRY! I’ve never heard of preshampooing either!
For dry scalp, an oil treatment once a week is a must! =)