Intro to Feng Shui
I am not a Feng Shui master, AT ALL! But I love playing with color and elements. And I love the theory behind Feng Shui. With that said, a couple of years ago I decided to purchase Feng Shui for Dummies and 10 Minute Feng Shui and do a bit of work on my own house to see if any changes would occur! Since it has been 2 years since my initial “overhaul” I am confident in providing you with an Intro to Feng Shui!
Per the Collins Dictionary Feng Shui is a Chinese art which is based on the belief that the way you arrange things within a space, building or room it can affect aspects of your life such as how happy or successful you are.
How I Got Started!
I have always been interested in aromatherapy, numerology and Feng Shui. But it was not until I was in a “bad” space a couple of years ago that my interest in Feng Shui peaked. I needed change and I needed it from the energy around me. I was working on my mind set, but I still needed more. So I bought a couple books on Feng Shui and realized my house was not set up for us to get the “most” out of it! Financially or emotionally.
Here are just a few of the issues I discovered!
- The master bedroom was over the garage, which is not good!
- The stove and refrigerator were almost next to each other. Forcing the cold and hot energy to compete.
- The sheet linen color on my bed was not conducive to prosperity.
- We did not have a “money tree” in the correct area.
- Our head/foot board was “slated” and was not appropriate for so many reasons! Financially and relationship wise!
- Our half bath is right next to the service door into the garage. Which is not good either!
Applying the Power of Feng Shui
Before we go further, let me explain that there are some personal steps you need to apply when you start on this trend. Per Feng Shui for Dummies here is a list of how to successfully apply the power of your mind to your cures:
- Know exactly what you want
- Have the proper positive attitude and motivation for yourself and others
- Visualize and feel the desired outcome before it happens
- Believe, without a doubt, that the results WILL happen
- Relax and allow the results to emerge
If you don’t think the above is important, then don’t waste your time. Because they are, and believe me, they do work.
Maximize the Bedroom
Overall, the positioning of our bed was fine. It was on a far wall and was the center point of the room. We had full visibility of the double door entry when in the bed. But here were some of the problems we DID have and how I cured them!
We have “bars” on our head and foot board. This can foreshadow legal troubles. And no one wants that! So to cure this problem, I wove artificial vines through the rails. Not only do I LOVE the look, but we had several issues (although not legal) cure themselves within a year of doing this! You can do the same for the foot board if needed!
I also changed the color of our bed linens to green. Green sheets are good for health, healing, money and new growth. All things we can benefit from!
The last item I placed i our bedroom was a “Money Tree” plant the south west corner of the house, which just happened to be in the bedroom! That is considered the “wealth” area of the home!

Over the Garage
Our room is right over the garage. A couple of the issues with this positioning is the master should not be towards the front of the house, as many garages are. The location also separates the bedroom from the vital ground energy of the Earth and leaves you sleeping over an energetically colder, emptier space. A garage can drain the chi and warmth from a bedroom. It can also negatively affect your health as exhaust fumes can inevitably find their way into your room!
Since we couldn’t “move” the master somewhere else in the house, I had to remedy the situation. To do that I had to stabilize the energy with the symbolic energy of trees. This helps ground the energy of the room. The book suggested I paint a large tree with roots on the garage wall (underneath where the bed is positioned) and to make sure I had “roots” that flowed onto the floor. Rather than painting a tree, I purchase an extremely LARGE sticker tree. It came with roots, leaves and a trunk! I believe it was for a classroom, as it was over 7′ tall. But I placed it on the wall of the garage and had the “roots” flow onto the floor! It was an easy fix for sure! As you can see, it is still “thriving” even behind all our stuff!
And just to make sure I covered all my bases, I hung a faceted crystal sphere in the center of the room! A cure in the center is a good antidote when you have multiple problems at once and it can approve luck and fortune!

The Kitchen
In the ideal floor plan, the kitchen location is in the back half of the home. Which, thankfully, mine is! The reason for this is because it is protected, secure and calmer than the front of the home. Unfortunately, the layout of my kitchen is not ideal. I cannot easily see the entry into the kitchen while at the stove. And the stove is almost right next to the refrigerator! That by itself causes an energy conflict between the hot and cold. Placement like this can cause health and wealth problems. So here is how I fixed it!
- I placed a small mirror on the side of the refrigerator. The mirror faces the stove, symbolically moving the refrigerator away.
- I hung a faceted crystal sphere between the stove and refrigerator to create energetic balance.
- Small potted plants on the counter between the two also works well. However, I do not have enough natural light for a plant to thrive!
Some other tips for the kitchen are to keep your oven clean and make sure all aspects function. If possible, when cooking be able to see the kitchen entry. And when cooking, be happy! The mood of the chef greatly affects the food’s chi!

Powder Room
The last cure I did was for our powder room on the main floor. As it is right next to the service door that goes into the garage, it has the potential to make money “disappear” and not be prosperous. But the cures were super easy!
- Keep the bathroom as clean as possible. So it gets cleaned every single week, even if I don’t have time to clean anything else!
- Kept the toilet seat lid DOWN! How easy is that? It took some getting used to for the men in the family, but us ladies had it down in no time!
I sincerely hope some of these tips and tricks help you get your house in “order”! With the exception of one cure, I did them all about 2 years ago this summer. And I cannot begin to tell you the transformation our life has taken. A thriving business, we are in our 21st season, for my hubby’s business! And my blog is not only therapeutic, but has taken off in the past year! So I hope Intro to Feng Shui assists you in getting the energy in your home in order too!
10 Minute Feng Shui is full of great suggestions on cures for all types of issues that may arise in your living space! Buy it HERE from Amazon!
Feng Shui for Dummies was my main reason and inspiration for everything I changed in my home. It was easy to understand and I could go directly to the room I was working on as each chapter was dedicated to an area of the home! Purchase HERE from Amazon!
*This post may contain affiliate links! That means; I may get a commission at no additional cost to you! I do not recommend any products/services that I don’t use and love myself!
This is really interesting! I remember hearing a lot about Feng Shui, but I feel like I never had a real understanding of what in entailed or what the purpose of it was. This is really helpful and helps to clear up quite a few questions I had about it. I’ll have to try some of these!
I hope you do try some!!!
It was so nice to have a quick look at Feng Shui as an introduction to the concept. I know the concept as been around forever, but I never really knew what it was about. Your article explained it through a problem and solution approach. I like practical tips! Thank you!
I’m am so glad you learned something from it!
Patricia @ Grab a Plate
I find this so interesting. I’m going to dig in a little further! Thanks for sharing!
I had a lot of fun incorporating Feng Shui into our home. Some things are a little “odd” but who am I to judge!!
I’ve never learned anything about feng shui, so it was interesting to read what you think about moving things around in your home and how that affects your personal life and relationship. Fascinating stuff!
I love it! It is so interesting and I truly believe it works! =)
Hina Siddiqui
Such a lovely post! I have always believed in energies ad their influence on out life. I am bookmarking this post to keep coming back to it whenever I need to. Thanks.
Thank you! I am glad you loved it!!!!
This was very interesting. I did not know anything about this. Thanks for breaking it down.
I am glad it was informative for you!
This is really interesting. This topic is even deeper than I thought. I’m getting that book and start implementing a few things in my apartment.
That is wonderful to hear!!
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
I’m glad you liked it!!