Strengthening Your Belief in Yourself
It may sound strange, but the one person you’ll always have in your life is you. In order to have an existence that’s peaceful yet exciting and fulfilling, it’s important to strengthen your belief in yourself. This is definitely something I struggle with. On a daily basis. There are days when I have all the self confidence I need, and other days when I struggle just to think I am worthy enough for anything. However, when you believe in yourself, you know that you have the ability to handle anything that life throws your way. You recognize that, although things may be tough, you’ll get through it. If that voice deep inside you says, “But what if I’m not sure I can handle something,” or “I’m not good enough” you could probably benefit from boosting your self-confidence and recognizing more of your abilities.
These Strategies can Help Bolster that Belief:
- Know yourself. Who are you? How would you describe yourself to someone who doesn’t know you? Write down a description of you. “[Your name] is a person who_____________.” Keep writing what you know about yourself. When you’re finished, read it. Does it give the reader a clear idea of who you are?
- Develop a real understanding for how you react in certain situations. For example, if someone tells you he’s angry about something you did, how do you respond? When people ask for help, what do you do? Noticing the behaviors you perform whenever challenging situations occur will help you see your capabilities. I used to get defensive, it has taken years for me to overcome that reaction.
- Be comfortable with your own feelings. Recognize what you’re feeling and label it—is it sadness you feel when you see your kids growing up? Or is it pride? It’s okay to shed a tear over a poignant commercial or a sad or touching movie. I have no problem shedding tears over a movie!
- Recognize your strong points. Although most of us can identify our weak areas right off the bat, it’s sometimes a challenge to see our strong points. Recognizing the areas of life in which you do really well is a great confidence-booster. Some of my strengths are my loyalty, tenacity to get a job done! And always wanting to help others!
- Remind yourself you’ve made it through some challenging episodes in life. When you see what you’ve risen above, it helps you to realize that you can get through the tough times. You can probably easily recount all the difficult phases you’ve gone through in life. Yet here you are, surviving and maybe even thriving.

Be Inspired
Be inspired by the initiative, personal strength, and courage you’ve shown so far in life. Say to yourself: “If I did that, then I can achieve even more.” For example, maybe you made your way through college or even graduate school while working full-time and taking care of a family. That’s quite a feat. It must have been a challenging time for you. Yet somehow, you did it. That’s pretty incredible. Acknowledge it.
For me, I need to remind myself I made it this far! I didn’t quit when things did not go as planned or I failed. There have certainly been more “bumps” than I expected while on this journey, but in the end I am proud of who I am and how far I have come! That in itself is a huge success and I need to keep reminding myself of that.
Be Comfortable with Failures
Get comfortable with admitting you made a mistake or had a failure. Failing is part of life. This suggestion just might be the most important point in this post. If you can’t admit to yourself and
others that you’ve made a mistake, the fact is that you’ll have difficulty believing in yourself. Why? Because in order to believe in yourself, you must be real with yourself and others.
Otherwise, you’ll see that you’re not honest with yourself and your confidence will lag. It’s okay to be wrong. Let’s face it—most of us are wrong at least once a day. The easiest way to solve an issue or figure out a conundrum is to acknowledge, “I did something wrong.” If you recognize and acknowledge your errors, you’re very wise because you obviously know you can’t correct a mistake unless you see the mistake in the first place. If you’re not already doing it, start openly and honestly acknowledging errors. That way, you can fix them.
These actions will help you believe in your ability to handle anything. If you believe in yourself, your life will be so much easier. Believing in yourself brings a certain quiet confidence. Consider the above points and strengthen your resolve to believe in the one person you’ll always have: you.
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Above all, thank you for spending your time here at Colorado Kelly! I love having you here and appreciate everyone that comes to visit and look forward to having you come back soon!
Krysten Quiles
Even though I feel like I know myself, sometimes self-confidence can be so hard. Thank you for this.
I struggle with it daily!!!!
These are great suggestions. Allowing yourself to be truly happy starts with being happy with yourself ❤️
Emily Fata
Believing in yourself and that you CAN is the critical first step to fulfillment!
Yes it is!!!
I like finding different ways to get inspired, because inspiration is what really makes me motivated to do something. And I agree, you have to be comfy with failures because they will serve as your lessons in life.
And goodness knows I have had enough to share!!! LOL
Such a good read. It is so important to keep belief in our self. It’s so easy to forget to. ❤️
This is so important for everyone to read and remember. We should be the ones who believe in ourselves above anyone else.
This is so awesome, self- confidence is so important and It took me a long time to do that but im on the right path
I still work on it everyday!
Laura Jones
A great read. Lots of wonderful points to take on board. I feel some journalling about my strengths might be a good place to start.
It has helped me tremendously!
Kathy Kenny Ngo
This is so true. When you know your restrictions, you will know what is okay and what is not okay with you and for you.
Great points! I’ve personally been trying to work on feeling comfortable to show my emotions. I cry over happy things and sad things pretty easily but I’m always trying to hide it for fear that people will be uncomfortable. I admire people who are able to let their emotions shine and I’m working towards that now!
I cry easily too!!!
It’s so important to be okay with failures. They’re just a part of life and can be some of the greatest tools for growth.
Yes they are!
These are awesome tips, Kelly. I’ve struggled the last few months in believing in myself (due to an estrangement from a sibling). I should spend a some time with a couple of these because I feel I know my truth, but it would be good to be able to articulate it.
I hope you do! And good luck, things will start looking up!
What amazing advice you have shared. The one that really sticks out for me is knowing how you react in certain situations. There are definitely times I may react in a way that I do not want. I think focusing on this and having control over how to react is so powerful. Wonderful post!
Thank you! And I have to focus on my reactions too!
Being comfortable with failures is hard but important. Its helps me realize what I could do better, and sometimes what I thought was going to work out didn’t. And thats ok. Thank you for this reminder.
You’re welcome! There is nothing wrong with failures as long as you learn from them!
Being comfortable with your own feelings, both good and bad is so important.
Yes it is!